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The Emscripten WebAssembly environment provides a virtual filesystem (VFS) which supports the concept of mounting. With this, an entire file and directory structure can be packaged into a filesystem image to be loaded and mounted at runtime by WebAssembly (Wasm) applications. We can take advantage of this interface to efficiently mount R package libraries, pre-packaged and containing potentially many related R packages, in the VFS accessible to webR.

Building an R package library

To build an R package library image we must first build one or more Wasm R packages using add_pkg(). As an example, let’s build a package with a few hard dependencies. Ensure that you are running R in an environment with access to Wasm development tools1, then run:


After the build process has completed, the new repo directory contains a CRAN-like package repository with R packages build for Wasm.

Next, run the following to build an Emscripten VFS image:

By default, this function will create a new directory named vfs if it does not exist. The files vfs/ and vfs/library.js.metadata together form an Emscripten filesystem image containing an R package library consisting of all the packages previously added to the CRAN-like repository in repo using add_pkg().

Packaging arbitrary data

It is also possible to package an arbitrary data directory as an Emscripten filesystem image using the file_packager() function:

rwasm::file_packager("./some/data/directory", out_name = "")

Again, this function writes output filesystem images to the vfs directory by default.

Mounting filesystem images

The filesystem image(s) should now be hosted by a web server so that it is available at some URL. Such a URL can then be passed to webr::mount() to be made available on the virtual filesystem for the Wasm R process.

Local testing

The following R command starts a local web server to serve your filesystem image for testing2. When serving your files locally, be sure to include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * HTTP header, required for downloading files from a cross-origin server by the CORS mechanism.

  dir = ".",
  port = 9090,
  browse = FALSE,
  headers = list("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" =  "*")

Once the web server is running start a webR session in your browser, such as the console at Use webr::mount() to make the R library image available somewhere on the VFS3:

webr::mount("/my-library", "")

Once mounted, the contents of the filesystem image are available at /my-library in the virtual filesystem.

#>  [1] "R6"         "cli"        "dplyr"      "fansi"      "generics"   "glue"
#>  [7] "lifecycle"  "magrittr"   "pillar"     "pkgconfig"  "rlang"      "tibble"
#> [13] "tidyselect" "utf8"       "vctrs"      "withr"

This new directory should be added to R’s .libPaths(), so that R packages may be loaded from the new library.

.libPaths(c(.libPaths(), "/my-library"))
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union


The filesystem image files should be deployed to the static file hosting service of your choice, so that they are available for download anywhere. See the “Deployment to static hosting” section in vignette("rwasm") for an example of how to host static files with GitHub pages, substituting the repo directory for the vfs directory containing Emscripten filesystem images.