Code Cell Options

The following code cell options can be used in webr or pyodide blocks, or set for an entire document using the cell-options key in the document YAML options.

Interactive code blocks

Option Default Description
autorun true Evaluate initial code block contents automatically?
caption None Heading text for code editor block.
completion false Show code completion and suggestions in editor?
echo false Show source code in output display?
edit true Show the code editor? If false, a read-only code block is shown.
envir "global" Label for execution environment.
error true Continue execution after an error?
eval true Evaluate code using WebAssembly engine?
fig-width 7 Width of graphics output in “inches”.
fig-height 5 Height of graphics output in “inches”.
fig-dpi 5 DPI of graphics output (Pyodide only).
include true Include this code block in the document?
persist false Persist changes in the editor to browser’s local storage?
output true Display execution output in the document?
runbutton true Show the “Run Code” button? If false, code is immediately evaluated.
startover true Show the “Start Over” button?
timelimit 30 Execution time limit in seconds.
warning true Show warning messages?
min-lines 0 Minimum editor height in number of lines.
max-lines Infinity Maximum editor height in number of lines.


Option Default Description
check false Create exercise grading algorithm.
exercise None Exercise label.
hint false Create exercise hint block.
setup false Create exercise setup block.
solution false Create exercise solution block.